University of California Santa Cruz Police Department
UC Santa Cruz PD Policy Manual



Patrol Function


The purpose of this policy is to define the functions of the patrol unit of the Department to ensure intra-department cooperation and information sharing.


400.1.1 FUNCTION

Officers will generally patrol in clearly marked vehicles, patrol assigned jurisdictional areas within the UC Santa Cruz campus, respond to calls for assistance, act as a deterrent to crime, enforce state and local laws and respond to emergencies 24 hours per day seven days per week.

Patrol will generally provide the following services within the limits of available resources:

 (a) Patrol that is directed at the prevention of criminal acts, traffic violations and collisions, the maintenance of public order, and the discovery of hazardous situations or conditions

 (b) Crime prevention activities such as residential inspections, business inspections, community presentations, etc.

 (c) Calls for service, both routine and emergency in nature

 (d) Investigation of both criminal and non-criminal acts

 (e) The apprehension of criminal offenders

 (f) Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving activities such as citizen assists and individual citizen contacts of a positive nature

 (g) The sharing of information between the Patrol and other divisions within the Department, as well as other outside governmental agencies

 (h) The application of resources to specific problems or situations within the community, which may be improved or resolved by Community Oriented Policing and problem solving strategies

 (i) Traffic direction and control



It is the goal of the University of California Santa Cruz Police Department to make every reasonable effort to accurately and appropriately gather and report any information that may relate to either foreign or domestic terrorism. Officers should advise a supervisor as soon as practicable of any activity believed to be terrorism related and should document such incidents with a written report or Field Interview (FI). The supervisor should ensure that all terrorism related reports and FIs are forwarded to the Detective Bureau Supervisor in a timely fashion.



The following guidelines are intended to develop and maintain intra-department cooperation and information flow between the various divisions of the University of California Santa Cruz Police Department.



The Crime Analysis Unit (CAU) will be the central unit for information exchange. Criminal information and intelligence reports can be submitted to the Records Section for distribution to all divisions within the Department through daily and special bulletins.



A crime report may be completed by any patrol officer who receives criminal information. The report will be processed and forwarded to the appropriate bureau for retention or follow-up investigation.



Patrol supervisors, detective sergeants, and special unit sergeants are encouraged to share information as much as possible. All supervisors and/or officers will be provided an opportunity to share information at the daily patrol Briefings as time permits.



Several information clipboards will be maintained in the [briefing] room and will be available for review by officers from all divisions within the Department. These will include, but not be limited to, the patrol check clipboard, the wanted persons clipboard and the written directive clipboard.



A bulletin board will be kept in the [briefing] room and the Investigation Unit for display of suspect information, intelligence reports and photographs. New General Orders will be made available for patrol supervisors and will be discussed at [briefing]s and shift meetings. A copy of the General Order will be placed on the [briefing] room clipboard.


400.2.6 CUSTODY






Pat-Down Search - This is the normal type of search used by officers in the field to check an individual for weapons. It involves a thorough patting down of clothing to locate any weapons or dangerous items that could pose a danger to the officer, the prisoner, or other prisoners.

Booking Search - This search is used in the jail and again involves a thorough patting down of an individual's clothing. All pockets, cuffs, etc., on the clothing are checked to locate all personal property, contraband, or weapons. The prisoner's personal property is taken and inventoried.

Strip Search or Visual Body Cavity Search - This is a search that requires a person to remove or rearrange some or all of his/her clothing to permit a visual inspection of the underclothing, breasts, buttocks or genitalia of such person (Penal Code § 4030(d)(2)). This includes monitoring of an arrestee showering or changing clothes where the arrestee's underclothing, buttocks, genitalia or female breasts are visible to the monitoring employee.

Physical Body Cavity Search - This is a search that includes physical intrusion into a body cavity. Body cavity means the stomach or rectal cavity of a person, and the vagina of a female person (Penal Code §§ 4030(d)(1) and 4030(d)(3)).



When any officer has reasonable suspicion to believe that a person being lawfully detained may possess weapons or other dangerous items, or in such circumstances the officer reasonably believes that the individual may present a threat to officer safety, that officer may conduct a normal pat-down search of that individual.

Prior to detaining any individual in any police vehicle, an officer should conduct a normal pat-down search of that individual.

Whenever practical, a pat-down search of an individual should be conducted by an officer of  the same sex as the person being searched. Absent the availability of a same sex officer, it is recommended that a witness officer be present during any pat-down search of an individual of the opposite sex as the searching officer.



 (a) Absent emergency circumstances in which no reasonable alternative exists, no person arrested for a misdemeanor or infraction not involving weapons, controlled substance or violence may be placed in the general jail population, unless all of the following conditions exist:

  1. The person is not cited and released
  2. The person is not released on his or her own recognizance
  3. The person is not able to post bail within a reasonable time not less than three hours
 (b) Any person taken into custody may be subjected to pat-down searches, metal detector searches, and thorough clothing searches in order to discover and retrieve concealed weapons and contraband prior to being placed in a booking cell.



No person arrested and held in custody on a misdemeanor or infraction offense, except those involving weapons, possession of controlled substances or violence, shall be subjected to a strip search or visual body cavity search prior to placement in the general jail population unless an officer has determined that there is reasonable suspicion based upon specific and articulable facts to believe such person is concealing a weapon or contraband which would be discovered by such a search (Penal Code § 4030(f)).

 (a) No strip search or visual body cavity search shall be conducted without prior written authorization from a The time, date, and place of the search, the name and gender of the person conducting the search and a statement of the results of the search shall be recorded in the arrest record. A copy of the written authorization and recorded information shall be retained and made available to the arrestee or other authorized representative upon request.

 (b) All strip and visual body cavity searches shall be conducted under sanitary conditions and in an area of privacy so that the search cannot be observed by persons not participating in the search (Penal Code § 4030(m)).

 (c) Unless conducted by a physician or other licensed medical personnel, the officer(s) conducting the strip search or visual body cavity search shall be of the same gender as the person being searched (Penal Code § 4030(l)).

 (d) Whenever possible, a second officer of the same gender should also be present during the search, for security and as a witness to the finding of evidence.

 (e) The officer conducting a strip search or visual body cavity search shall not touch the breasts, buttocks or genitalia of the person being searched (Penal Code § 4030(j)).

 (f) No employee should view an arrestee's private underclothing, buttocks, genitalia or female breasts while that person is showering or changing clothes unless the arrestee otherwise qualifies for a strip search. However, if serious hygiene or health issues make it reasonably necessary to assist the arrestee with a shower or a change of clothes, a supervisor should be contacted to ensure reasonable steps are taken to obtain the arrestee's consent and/or otherwise protect the arrestee's privacy and dignity.

Nothing in this policy section shall prohibit the otherwise lawful collection of trace evidence from an arrestee in accordance with the provisions of (c) through (f) above and based on a valid exigency, consent or a search warrant.



 (a) No person arrested on a misdemeanor or infraction shall be subjected to a body cavity search without a search warrant (Penal Code § 4030(h)).

 (b) A copy of the search warrant and the results of any body cavity search shall be included with the related reports and made available, upon request, to the arrestee or authorized representative (Penal Code § 4030(i)).

 (c) Only a physician, nurse practitioner, registered nurse, licensed vocational nurse, or Level II Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) may conduct a physical body cavity search (Penal Code § 4030(k)).

 (d) Except for the above mentioned licensed medical personnel, persons present must be of the same sex as the person being searched. Privacy requirements, including restricted touching of body parts, are the same as the strip search standard.



Officers may encounter gatherings of people, including but not limited to, civil demonstrations, civic, social and business events, public displays, parades and sporting events. Officers should monitor such events as time permits in an effort to keep the peace and protect the safety and rights of those present. A patrol supervisor should be notified when it becomes reasonably foreseeable that such an event may require increased monitoring, contact or intervention.

Officers responding to an event or gathering that warrants law enforcement involvement should carefully balance the speech and association rights of those present with applicable public safety concerns before taking enforcement action. Officers are encouraged to contact organizers or responsible persons to seek voluntary compliance that may address relevant public safety/order concerns.

Officers should consider enforcement of applicable state and local laws, such as Penal Code 602.1 (obstructing or intimidating business operators), when the activity blocks the entrance or egress of a facility or location and when voluntary compliance with the law is not achieved.



The <<<college/university>>> has designated a liaison between our department and students exercising rights guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, a similar provision of the California Constitution or both (Education Code § 66303). The designated department staff member will work with this liaison regarding relevant issues, scheduled events, training and crowd control.




Policy 400 PDF