Community Resources

Monarch Services (Women's Crisis Support/Defensa De Mujeres) 
Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence 24-hour Crisis Hotline: 888.900.4232

Santa Cruz Location 
1685 Commercial Way
Santa Cruz, CA 95065 

Watsonville Location 
233 East Lake Avenue 
Watsonville, CA 95076 

If you or someone you know needs help because of a sexual assault or an abusive relationship, call this hotline 24 hours a day. Counselor-advocates provide confidential support. Additionally they offer ongoing counseling and support groups, confidential shelter for those experiencing abuse, temporary restraining order assistance, and court accompaniment. Services are available to anyone, regardless of gender identity.

Walnut Avenue Women's Center
303 Walnut Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA 9506 

Domestic Violence Resource Hotline: 866.269.2559

Resource center for women and their families; support services for battered women; low-cost childcare; food bank; clothing closet, breast cancer support; and various support groups and classes. UCSC interns welcome.