Medical and Lifesaving Information

First Aid, Automated External Defibrillator (AED), and Naloxone/Narcan

Members of the UC Santa Cruz Police Department have received appropriate training from an approved public safety first aid and CPR course (22 CCR 100014; 22 CCR 100017; 22 CCR 100018) for First Aid, CPR, Automated External Defibrillator, and administering Naloxone/Narcan. UC Santa Cruz Police Department Policy 467, Medical Aid and Response, outlines requirements and guidelines for our members regarding medical and lifesaving services. 

An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a portable electronic device that automatically diagnoses the life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias of ventricular fibrillation (VF) and pulseless ventricular tachycardia, and is able to treat them through defibrillation, the application of electricity which stops the arrhythmia, allowing the heart to re-establish an effective rhythm.  Equipping police vehicles with AEDs and incorporating them in the emergency dispatching process when a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is suspected, can reduce the time until defibrillation for a victim suffering an out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrest. There are numerous studies that confirm a strong correlation between equipping police vehicles with AEDs and reduced time until defibrillation which ultimately translates into improved survival rates from SCA.



Naloxone/Narcan is a medication that reverses respiratory depression from opioid overdose if given in time. Paramedics routinely administer naloxone to opioid overdose victims in the prehospital setting.  Many states and law enforcement agencies are moving to increase access to the medication to other first responders, including law enforcement. The UC Santa Cruz Police Department has equipped its members in the appropriate administration of Naloxone/Narcan to help prevent death in the event of an opioid overdose in our community. Trained members may administer opioid overdose medication in accordance with provided training and the protocol specified by the licensed health care provider who prescribed the overdose medication for use by the member (Civil Code § 1714.22, 22 CCR 100019, Business and Professions Code § 4119.9) 

Naloxone Application Information

Learn how to administer Naloxone / Narcan to individuals on-campus who may be under the effects of overdosage.


Pharmacists at the UCSC Student Health Services Pharmacy provide naloxone nasal kits for opioid overdoses. Contact the UCSC Student Health Center for this resource.  Additional information regarding opioid safety can be found here Naloxone Fact Sheet
We also provide First Aid and Basic Life Support courses for our community.  Please check our CPR and Bleeding Control page for more information. 

Fire Protection and Emergency Response

Fire protection and emergency response services are provided by the City of Santa Cruz Fire Department under an agreement between the UC Regents on behalf of the UC Santa Cruz Campus. UC Santa Cruz has its own Fire Marshall on campus and information can be found here .


For more information about this partnership, please go to the UCSC Office of Emergency Services Fire Protection page