University of California Santa Cruz Police Department
UC Santa Cruz PD Policy Manual



Criminal Organizations


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the University of California Santa Cruz Police Department appropriately utilizes criminal intelligence systems and temporary information files to support investigations of criminal organizations and enterprises.



Definitions related to this policy include:

Criminal intelligence system - Any record system that receives, stores, exchanges or disseminates information that has been evaluated and determined to be relevant to the identification of a criminal organization or enterprise, its members or affiliates. This does not include temporary information files.


442.2     POLICY

The University of California Santa Cruz Police Department recognizes that certain criminal activities, including but not limited to gang crimes and drug trafficking, often involve some degree of regular coordination and may involve a large number of participants over a broad geographical area.

It is the policy of this department to collect and share relevant information while respecting the privacy and legal rights of the public.



No department member may create, submit to or obtain information from a criminal intelligence system unless the Chief of Police has approved the system for department use.

Any criminal intelligence system approved for department use should meet or exceed the standards of 28 CFR 23.20.

A designated supervisor will be responsible for maintaining each criminal intelligence system that has been approved for department use. The supervisor or the authorized designee should ensure the following:

 (a) Members using any such system are appropriately selected and trained.

 (b) Use of every criminal intelligence system is appropriately reviewed and audited.

 (c) Any system security issues are reasonably addressed.



It is the designated supervisor’s responsibility to approve the entry of any information from a report, field interview (FI), photo or other relevant document into an authorized criminal intelligence system. If entries are made based upon information that is not on file with this department, such as open or public source documents or documents that are on file at another agency, the designated supervisor should ensure copies of those documents are retained by the Records Section. Any supporting documentation for an entry shall be retained by the Records Section in accordance with the established records retention schedule and for at least as long as the entry is maintained in the system.

The designated supervisor should ensure that any documents retained by the Records Section are appropriately marked as intelligence information. The Communications Manager may not purge such documents without the approval of the designated supervisor.



The Chief of Police may approve participation by the gang unit in a shared criminal gang intelligence database, such as CALGANG®. Members must obtain the requisite training before accessing any such database.

It is the gang unit supervisor’s responsibility to determine whether any report or FI contains information that would qualify for entry into the database. Prior to designating any person as a suspected gang member, associate or affiliate in a shared gang database; or submitting a document to the Attorney General’s office for the purpose of designating a person in a shared gang database; or otherwise identifying the person in a shared gang database, the gang unit supervisor shall provide written notice to the person and, if the person is under the age of 18, to his/her parent or guardian of the designation and the basis for the designation, unless providing that notification would compromise an active criminal investigation or compromise the health or safety of a minor. Notice shall also describe the process to contest the designation (Penal Code § 186.34).

The person, an attorney working on his/her behalf or his/her parent or guardian (if the person is under 18 years of age) may request, in writing, information as to whether the person is designated as a suspected gang member, associate or affiliate in a shared gang database accessible by the department, the basis for that designation and the name of the agency that made the designation. The department shall respond to a valid request in writing within 30 days, and shall provide the information requested unless doing so would compromise an active investigation or compromise the health and safety of the person if he/she is under 18 years of age (Penal Code § 186.34).

The person, or his/her parent or guardian if the person is under 18 years of age, may contest the designation by submitting written documentation which shall be reviewed by the gang unit supervisor. If it is determined that the person is not a suspected gang member, associate or affiliate, the person shall be removed from the database. The person and the parent or guardian shall be provided written verification of the department’s decision within 30 days of receipt of the written documentation contesting the designation and shall include the reason for a denial when applicable (Penal Code § 186.34).

The gang unit supervisor should forward reports or FIs to the Records Section after appropriate database entries are made. The supervisor should clearly mark the report/FI as gang intelligence information.

It is the responsibility of the Records Section supervisor to retain reports and FIs in compliance with the database rules and any applicable end user agreement.

Records contained in a shared gang database shall not be disclosed for employment or military screening purposes, and shall not be disclosed for the purpose of enforcing federal immigration law unless required by state or federal statute or regulation (Penal Code § 186.36).



No member may create or keep files on individuals that are separate from the approved criminal intelligence system. However, members may maintain temporary information that is necessary to actively investigate whether a person or group qualifies for entry into the department-approved criminal intelligence system only as provided in this section. Once information qualifies for inclusion, it should be submitted to the supervisor responsible for consideration of criminal intelligence system entries.



A temporary information file may only contain information and documents that, within one year, will have a reasonable likelihood to meet the criteria for entry into an authorized criminal intelligence system.

Information and documents contained in a temporary information file:

 (a) Must only be included upon documented authorization of the responsible department supervisor.

 (b) Should not be originals that would ordinarily be retained by the Records Section or Property and Evidence Section, but should be copies of, or references to, retained documents such as copies of reports, FI forms, the Dispatch Center records or booking forms.

 (c) Shall not include opinions. No person, organization or enterprise shall be labeled as being involved in crime beyond what is already in the document or information.

 (d) May include information collected from publicly available sources or references to documents on file with another government agency. Attribution identifying the source should be retained with the information.



The contents of a temporary information file shall not be retained longer than one year. At the end of one year, the contents must be purged.

The designated supervisor shall periodically review the temporary information files to verify that the contents meet the criteria for retention. Validation and purging of files is the responsibility of the supervisor.



Department members should document facts that suggest an individual, organization or enterprise is involved in criminal activity and should forward that information appropriately. Examples include, but are not limited to:

 (a) Gang indicia associated with a person or residence.

 (b) Information related to a drug-trafficking operation.

 (c) Vandalism indicating an animus for a particular group.

 (d) Information related to an illegal gambling operation.

Department supervisors who utilize an authorized criminal intelligence system should work with the Training Sergeant to train members to identify information that may be particularly relevant for inclusion.



Department members shall comply with the rules of an authorized criminal intelligence system regarding inquiries and release of information.

Information from a temporary information file may only be furnished to department members and other law enforcement agencies on a need-to-know basis and consistent with the Records Maintenance and Release Policy.

When an inquiry is made by the parent or guardian of a juvenile as to whether that juvenile’s name is in a temporary information file, such information should be provided by the supervisor responsible for the temporary information file, unless there is good cause to believe that the release of such information might jeopardize an ongoing criminal investigation.



The  Detective  Bureau  supervisor  should  ensure  that  there  are  an  appropriate  number    of department members who can:

 (a) Testify as experts on matters related to criminal street gangs, and maintain an above average familiarity with:

  1. Any organization, associate or group of three or more persons that meets the definition of a criminal street gang under Penal Code § 186.22(f).
  2. Identification of a person as a criminal street gang member and criminal street gang-related crimes.
  3. The California Street Terrorism Enforcement and Prevention Act (Penal Code § 186.21 et seq.), associated crimes and what defines a criminal street gang (Penal Code § 186.22).

 (b) Coordinate with other agencies in the region regarding criminal street gang-related crimes and information.

 (c) Train other members to identify gang indicia and investigate criminal street gang- related crimes.


442.8     TRAINING

The Training Sergeant should provide training on best practices in the use of each authorized criminal intelligence system to those tasked with investigating criminal organizations and enterprises. Training should include:

 (a) The protection of civil liberties.

 (b) Participation in a multiagency criminal intelligence system.

 (c) Submission of information into a multiagency criminal intelligence system or the receipt of information from such a system, including any governing federal and state rules and statutes.

 (d) The type of information appropriate for entry into a criminal intelligence system or temporary information file.

 (e) The review and purging of temporary information files.




Policy 442 PDF