Event Assistance
The UC Santa Cruz Police Department is responsible for receiving, evaluating, recommending and providing special event security services for all organized events on campus that are requested by the Regents, campus departments and organizations, others affiliated with the campus, and visitors. Additionally, the police department provides dignitary protection to heads of state, other dignitaries and VIP’s who visit our campuses.
Security services are provided on a variety of levels to include just police department security guards, just sworn police officers, or a combination of both. There is a charge for event services.
In addition, the police department may provide site surveillance services at UC owned and operated properties to deter vandalism, fire damages or burglary. There is a charge for site surveillance services. Individual campus units are not authorized to procure outside entities for these services, unless authorized by the Chief of Police.
For more information, or to request a quotation or evaluation for site/security services, contact Sergeant Ray Faulk at 831.459.2231 or at rfaulk@ucsc.edu
Event Assistance Request Form