University of California Santa Cruz Police Department
UC Santa Cruz PD Policy Manual



Department Badges


The University of California Santa Cruz Police Department badge and uniform patch as well as the likeness of these items and the name of the University of California Santa Cruz Police Department are property of the Department and their use shall be restricted as set forth in this policy.


1052.2 POLICY

The uniform badge shall be issued to department members as a symbol of authority and the use and display of departmental badges shall be in strict compliance with this policy. Only authorized badges issued by this department shall be displayed, carried or worn by members while on duty or otherwise acting in an official or authorized capacity.


1052.2.1 FLAT BADGE

Sworn officers, with the written approval of the Chief of Police may purchase, at his/her own expense, a flat badge capable of being carried in a wallet. The use of the flat badge is subject to all the same provisions of departmental policy as the uniform badge.

 (a) An officer may sell, exchange, or transfer the flat badge he/she purchased to another officer within the University of California Santa Cruz Police Department with the written approval of the Chief of Police.

 (b) Should the flat badge become lost, damaged, or otherwise removed from the officer’s control, he/she shall make the proper notifications as outlined in the Department Owned and Personal Property Policy.

 (c) An honorably retired officer may keep his/her flat badge upon retirement.

 (d) The purchase, carrying or display of a flat badge is not authorized for non-sworn personnel.



Badges and departmental identification cards issued to non-sworn personnel shall be clearly marked to reflect the position of the assigned employee (e.g. Parking Control, Dispatcher).

 (a) Non-sworn personnel shall not display any department badge except as a part of his/her uniform and while on duty, or otherwise acting in an official and authorized capacity.

 (b) Non-sworn personnel shall not display any department badge or represent him/herself, on or off duty, in such a manner which would cause a reasonable person to believe that he/she is a sworn peace officer. 



Upon honorable retirement employees may purchase his/her assigned duty badge for display purposes. It is intended that the duty badge be used only as private memorabilia as other uses of the badge may be unlawful or in violation of this policy.



Except as required for on-duty use by current employees, no badge designed for carry or display in a wallet, badge case or similar holder shall be issued to anyone other than a current or honorably retired peace officer.

Department badges are issued to all sworn employees and professional staff uniformed employees for official use only. The department badge, shoulder patch or the likeness thereof, or the department name shall not be used for personal or private reasons including, but not limited to, letters, memoranda, and electronic communications such as electronic mail or web sites and web pages.

The use of the badge, uniform patch and department name for all material (printed matter, products or other items) developed for department use shall be subject to approval by the Chief of Police.

Employees shall not loan his/her department badge or identification card to others and shall not permit the badge or identification card to be reproduced or duplicated.



The likeness of the department badge shall not be used without the expressed authorization of the Chief of Police and shall be subject to the following:

 (a) The employee associations may use the likeness of the department badge for merchandise and official association business provided they are used in a clear representation of the association and not the University of California Santa Cruz Police Department. The following modifications shall be included:

  1. The text on the upper and lower ribbons is replaced with the name of the employee association.
  2. The badge number portion displays the acronym of the employee association.

 (b) The likeness of the department badge for endorsement of political candidates shall not be used without the expressed approval of the Chief of Police.




Policy 1052 PDF